Original, uplifting & inspiring musical programming grown in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Touring across the Mid-Atlantic and performing live at The Barn at Paradise Station!
LeeP Productions is proud to be the home of Then Sings My Soul: Beloved Hymns & Songs Inspired by the Ministry of Billy Graham, the vocal trio Perfect Harmony and the resident production company at
The Barn at Paradise Station in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
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For information on shows, group offerings, scheduling and more, please click on one of the programs below, email LeePproductionsLLC@gmail.com or call 717-687-5000 ext. 117.

LeeP Productions
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Col 3:17

LeeP Productions was created in memory of Kat's grandparents, Lee & Mildred Peiffer, who introduced her to Billy Graham and his Crusades, and instilled in her a great love of music and passion for working hard, striving to serve, and to always be a blessing to others.
We believe in Col 3:17: "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." We hope that you will always be encouraged, inspired and blessed by each and every performance presented by LeeP Productions.
Become a Sponsor!
It takes a village to do what we do.
Will you help be a part of 2025?
Contact us today!
717-687-5000 ext. 118